Showing posts with label Azores. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azores. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 9

Azores 2023


Date of Issue: 9th May 2023

one stamp (1.05 €) and one souvenir-sheet (3.- €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

Tuesday, May 10

Azores 2022


Date of Issue: 9th May 2022

one stamp (0.95 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x 0.95 €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

The Legend of Pêro Botelho’s Caldera - A little moral tale, recounting the punishment for a sulphurous temper. Silence is what Pêro Botelho gets back in return whenever he begs “Get me out of here! Get me out of here!”, from the bottom of the Furnas cave, on the island of São Miguel, where he has been trapped since immemorial time. A man of deplorable character, he had the habit, like the other inhabitants of the region, of boiling wicker and corn in volcanic calderas of boiling water. In one of them, which exudes a strong smell of sulphur, it was more common, however, to use its mud to cure various diseases, such as rheumatism. It is said that, one day, when going there to find the balsamic material, Pêro Botelho lost his footing and fell into the caldera. He attempted an appeal for help, but no one would have heard him. And he was never seen again. The only sign of life would be the cry for a hypothetical rescue. Or, all things considered, a little more. For if anyone were to approach the warm cavity and call out to him, they would receive a smoky puff of stones, ashes and mud in response. In addition to the more or less recurrent plea, Pêro Botelho would respond in an ill-tempered manner to any attempt to engage in dialogue, even when kind-hearted. And when children and adults threw stones into the caldera, saying “Give us a sneeze, Pêro Botelho!”, they would be expelled back out at them. So, whenever anyone approached the cave to find the therapeutic mud, they were always scared of what might come from there. From then on, the residents of Povoação began to call the smoking orifice Caldeira de Pêro Botelho, or Pêro Botelho’s Caldera.

Monday, May 3

Azores 2021


Date of Issue: 7th May 2021

one stamp (0.88 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x 0.88 €)


the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

Thursday, May 14

Azores 2020


Date of Issue: 25th May 2020

one stamp (0.86 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x 0.86 €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

Thursday, May 9

Azores 2019


Date of Issue: 9th May 2019

one stamp (0.86 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x 0.86 €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

Tuesday, May 8

Azores 2018


Date of Issue: 9th May 2018

one stamp (E20g value = 0.86 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x E20g value = 2x 0.86 €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

Wednesday, May 10

Azores 2017


Date of Issue: 9th May 2017

one stamp (0.80 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x 0.80 €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

Tuesday, May 10

Azores 2016


Date of Issue: 9th May 2016

one stamp (0.75 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x 0.75 €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

Saturday, May 9

Azores 2015


Date of Issue: 8th May 2015

one stamp (0.72 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x 0.72 €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

Friday, April 25

Azores 2014


Date of Issue: 9th May 2014

one stamp (E20g value = 0.72 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x E20g value)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

NOTE ! - On the 21st of May 2020 the Europa stamp has been issued in a reprinted and self-adhesive version in a booklet with a new value of E20g

Friday, May 10

Azores 2013


Date of Issue: 9th May 2013

one stamp (0.70 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x 0.70 €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

Friday, May 4

Azores 2012


Date of Issue: 9th May 2012

one stamp (0.68 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x 0.68 €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

NOTE ! - On the 23rd of Octobre 2015 the Europa stamp has been issued in a reprinted and self-adhesive version in a booklet of 30 stamps (6x 5 different stamps) with a E20g value

Saturday, April 30

Azores 2011


Date of Issue: 9th May 2011one stamp (0.68 €) and one souvenir-sheet (2x 0.68 €)

the stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

NOTE ! - On the 23rd of Octobre 2015 the Europa stamp has been issued in a reprinted and self-adhesive version in a booklet of 30 stamps (6x 5 different stamps) with a E20g value

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